Our updates

Stay informed with the latest developments at Future Life Investments Ltd (FLi). Here, we share insights into our evolving microfinance services, community initiatives, and key milestones achieved in our journey towards economic empowerment.

Our updates provide a window into the dynamic and impactful work we do, reflecting our ongoing commitment to innovation and community growth.

“FLi Leaders Squad” – Tissamaharama

July 2, 2024
As the leader among leaders of Fempreneurs in your team, FLi anticipate you to sharpen your leadership skills through "FLi...
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FLi Kiribathgoda Branch Relocation

June 5, 2024
Enduring with diligence For those who endeavor To lend a hand FLi Kiribathgoda branch Now relocated in Kiribathgoda We are...
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FLi’s newest branch in Panadura

June 4, 2024
FLi's newest branch in Panadura, Opened on July 4th, Located at: No. 33/1, Horana Road, Imbuliha, Alubomulla, Panadura. We are...
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All Staff Meeting 03rd & 4th Quarters – 2023/2024

April 30, 2024
Another FLi All-Staff gathering which was enriched with a theme of collective persuasion of goals was held on the 07th...
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